Community Service Projects


Bikes for Africa

RCW Champion: Margarita Lartitegui

Bikes for Africa


The Rotary Club of Weston has teamed up with the Rotary Club of Fort Lauderdale Cypress Creek to collectively send bicycles to a local South African Rotary Club for distribution to rural African communities desperately in need.

 The project started in 2016, 8 containers were sent annually except for 2021 during the pandemic. There is an average of 400 bikes per container. 3,200 bikes have been sent to Africa.

The Rotary Club of Empangeni, Rotary District 9370, receives the container and turns it into a mini bike- shop. Then, bicycles are distributed to rural communities without public transportation.


Boutique in Cypress Bay HS

Project Lead: Ana Sofia Moreno Ramirez

Project Sponsors: Dr. Kristina Taylor / Tamara Labossiere



The Boutique initiative aims to empower students by facilitating access to appropriate clothing for interviews and special events, promoting confidence and academic success. This initiative goes beyond merely providing clothes; it contributes to sustainable practices through garment reuse (recycling), ensuring the well-being of the student community and fostering equal opportunities for all.

The boutique offers students a unique experience and emotional support, recognizing that some students may not have the luxury of accessing fancy stores.


Clothing Drive

Project Lead: Andres Saravia



The Rotary Club of Weston's clothing drive aims to gather, sort, package, and distribute gently used clothes to individuals in need within our local community.


Rotary Little Library


RCW Little Library

Rotarians and Interactors consistently replenish the Rotary Little Library with children-friendly books, enriching our community's reading resources. Operating under the "Take a book, bring a book" concept, we foster a culture of reading among our children, promoting a sense of community as they share their books with other kids in Weston.


Mission Statement

The Rotary Club of Weston addresses the service needs of our community through its organizational capabilities, member skills, volunteerism, and funding support. We focus our community service activities in the areas of Services to Youth (including education /scholarship/ learning development), Services to Families In Need, and International Projects as needs are identified.

Become a Member - Application form
Object of Rotary

The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

  • FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
  • SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
  • THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life;
  • FOURTH: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
The Four-Way Test

Of the things we think, say or do

  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

The following code of conduct has been adopted for the use of Rotarians:

As a Rotarian, I will

  1. Act with integrity and high ethical standards in my personal and professional life
  2. Deal fairly with others and treat them and their occupations with respect
  3. Use my professional skills through Rotary to: mentor young people, help those with special needs, and improve people’s quality of life in my community and in the world
  4. Avoid behavior that reflects adversely on Rotary or other Rotarians
  5. Help maintain a harassment-free environment in Rotary meetings, events, and activities, report any suspected harassment, and help ensure non-retaliation to those individuals that report harassment.

 Rotary Club of Weston Drawdown

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Rotary Club of Weston Drawdown

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